Laser treatment

With the bundled power of light for pigment spots, annoying veins or fractionated for skin refinement

Dermatological CO2 lasers

Our skin renovates itself. The older we are, the smaller the “repair effect” of the skin. With laser treatment we can remove old skin layers (ablative laser) or create small injuries in deep layers without removing the surface (non-ablative laser), and thus stimulate the body to produce new, and therefore fresh skin. In this way, we can refine your skin, e.g. reduce large pores, acne scars, fine wrinkles or loss of tone and so-called pregnancy stretch marks, or firm the skin in a targeted manner at defined locations.v

Different laser treatment techniques by Dr Tatjana Pavicic

Dr Tatjana Pavicic utilises the most advanced laser treatment techniques in her practice. Ablative, non-ablative, fractionated lasers such as LaseMD™, CO2 and IPL.

Laserbehandlung München

Icon Fractional Laser

“Blasting” pigment and veins (maxg laser)

Whether caused genetically (e.g. couperosis) or by excessive sunlight, annoying veins develop, particularly on the cheeks and nose. At first they are only temporarily visible when there is a change of temperature or when hot drinks or hot spices are consumed and then they vanish, but with time they becomes visible all the time and a permanent “red” is seen.

These veins can be treated very effectively with a so-called “blasting lamp”. During the process, the light energy is absorbed by the red colour (haemoglobin) in the blood and the blood “heats up”, which causes the vessels to collapse and be replaced by “skin-coloured” connective tissue.

Depending on the level of severity, usually between two and four treatments are required at intervals of approximately 4 weeks. During the treatment, you can feel mild “pinpricks” and warmth. Often the veins are immediately observed to “disappear”. For several days immediately after treatment, mild superficial redness and swelling may be present, which rapidly resolves. Gentle cooling helps relieve the feeling of heat. The treated skin must be consistently protected from too strong sunlight during the next 4-12 weeks.

On the other hand, these absorption properties are used in order to treat unattractive pigment spots that are produced as a results of excessive exposure of the face, cleavage or back of the hands to the sun. Here the pigment is made to
“burst” and is “ejected” from the skin surface during the following days. Immediately after the treatment, the treated spots appear somewhat darker or have whitish flakes surround by redness. After that, small scabs or “blackish” spots may develop – these must not under any circumstances be scratched or removed, but will fall off on their own accord. After the scabs fall off, the new skin is a delicate pink colour and must be well protected from the sun since otherwise there is a risk of new pigment spots. The darker spots often disappear even after only one treatment, lighter ones may require a second or third session.

What is fractionated laser treatment?

Fractionated laser technology is one of the most modern procedures to improve and rejuvenate the skin.

During the treatment, heat is applied within the skin to hundreds of microscopically small columns. Untreated skin cells are present between these targeted locations where the skin is heated and these cells enable rapid healing.

Fresh, new tissue and collagen develops everywhere, which refines, rejuvenates and firms the skin. Most people see positive changes in the skin structure
after only a few days.

It is used for the treatment of wrinkles, acne scars, melasma, stretchmarks and striae as well as for gentle firming and refining of the skin.

All regions of the body can be treated, such as the face, cleavage, arms, hands, etc.


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The laser pulses place microscopically small columns of heat (< 1/10 mm) deep into the skin. Most of the skin remains unaffected. These unaffected skin cells give rise to rapid cell renewal in the treated areas. Thus the procedure makes use of the skin’s own self-healing power.

We recommend that for one month before and after laser treatment you refrain from sun tanning and sunbed use. In this way, practically all the risks of over- and under-pigmentation after treatment can be excluded.

Depending on the size of the area to be treated, the treatment takes between 30 and 60 minutes.

However, we will go through the treatment procedure with you in detail in a prior discussion.

In order to achieve the desired result, usually 3-5 treatments are needed at intervals of 2-5 weeks.

However, we always define your treatment plan individually with you.

During fractionated skin rejuvenation, the skin is subjected to local warming. The active skin cooling function of the treatment unit removes this warmth immediately and thus soothes the pain pleasantly.

After treatment, you can immediately continue with your usual daily activities.

Slight redness, a sensation of warmth or slight swelling may occur for a short period at the treated locations. Such irritation usually disappears within a few hours.

The safety of fractionated skin firming has been verified in clinical studies.

Laser treatment Munich

Laserbehandlung München


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Left: Before | Right: After
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Left: Before | Right: After 1st treatment
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Left: Before | Right: After
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Left: Before | Right: After
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Left: Before | Right: After 1st treatment
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Left: Before | Right: After
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Left: Before | Right: After
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Left: Before | Right: After 1 month , 1 treatment
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Laserbehandlung München
Left: Before | Right: After 6 treatments

What can we do for you?

Would you like to book an appointment?

Make an appointment today with Dr. Tatjana Pavicic, the expert in aesthetic medicine and wrinkle treatment.


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